Rosacea Santa Monica

Rosacea Santa Monica

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    Younique > Santa Monica Med Spa & Cosmetic Surgery > Rosacea Santa Monica

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    Rosacea Treatment in Los Angeles

    Rosacea is a common and chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Although there is no cure for this condition, you can find the best treatment options in Los Angeles to keep the symptoms under control and enjoy having healthy skin.

    Our doctors at Younique can provide you with all the information necessary to prevent flare-ups and are trained to help you control the condition through contemporary treatments.

    Control Your Rosacea Flare-Ups With the Help of Professionals

    Make an appointment for a consultation with our expert in Los Angeles to enjoy the benefits of flawless skin.

    What is Rosacea?

    Rosacea is a skin disease that is estimated to affect around 16 million Americans. It is characterized by the redness it produces around the face. This blushing effect can often be accompanied by bumps similar to acne. Moreover, they can possess pus in their interior.

    This condition usually affects the skin on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin. However, on some occasions, the symptoms might also appear on the chest, ears, neck, and head.

    Rosacea is an idiopathic disease, which means that although it is frequent, its cause is still unknown. Nonetheless, there are a few theories about its origin.

    Unfortunately, rosacea doesn’t have a cure yet. Moreover, the symptoms of this chronic condition tend to disappear and reappear when a stimulus triggers a flare-up. However, different treatment options have been developed to keep the disease under control when a flare-up manifests. Moreover, it is also possible to prevent them with proper care.

    Types of Rosacea

    Rosacea is divided into 4 types depending on its clinical characteristics.

    1.    Subtype 1 (ETR):

    This is one of the most common types of rosacea. Its complete name is erythematotelangiectatic rosacea (ETR), and its main feature is redness with visible blood vessels in the face.

    2.    Subtype 2 (Papulopustular):

    This type is also common and is frequently referred to as acne rosacea. Its main characteristic is the presence of bumps similar to acne on top of the red areas.

    3.    Subtype 3 (Rhinophyma):

    Rhinophyma is a less common type of rosacea. This condition affects the nose’s skin and causes its thickening.

    4.    Subtype 4 (Ocular):

    Ocular rosacea is also uncommon and affects the area around the eyes. This type can even affect the eyes and sight.

    Symptoms of Rosacea

    The main symptom of rosacea is redness. This condition is present in the 4 types of the disease. However, there are different symptoms associated with each type, such as:

    1. ETR Rosacea:
    • Persistent redness and facial skin blushing
    • Visible broken blood vessels
    • Burning sensation: The skin turns sensitive, and patients can experience a burning and stinging sensation
    • Swollen skin
    • Dry skin
    1. Acne Rosacea:
    • Bumps similar to acne
    • Redness
    • Visible broken blood vessels
    • Oily skin
    • Sensitive skin
    1. Rhinophyma Rosacea:
    • Thick skin on the nose, making it look bulbous
    • Large pores on the nose
    • Uneven skin texture
    • Redness
    1. Ocular Rosacea:
    • Bloodshot eyes
    • Watery eyes
    • Redness in the skin around the eyes
    • Broken blood vessels on the eyelids
    • Cysts on the eyes
    • Sights issues
    • Burning sensation in the eyes

    It is essential to know that not always every symptom is present. Furthermore, it is possible to suffer from more than one type of rosacea simultaneously.

    Treatment Options for Rosacea in Santa Monica

    The treatment for rosacea aims to treat the symptoms and not the disease since there is no known cure. Therefore, the results are not permanent, and flare-ups can reappear after a while if proper care is not taken.

    The treatment options range from topical and oral medication to laser therapy.

    Topical medication

    Treatment with antibiotic creams and gels has proven to be effective in controlling flare-ups. A doctor can prescribe certain medications upon proper evaluation and assessment of the type of rosacea. The medications usually prescribed include:

    • Tetracycline
    • Metronidazole topical
    • Azelaic acid gel
    • Ivermectin
    • Brimonidine

    Patients should not take these medications without being prescribed by the doctor beforehand. The dosage and instructions on how to use it are explained during the consultation by the doctor.

    Laser Therapy

    Skin lasers can be used to treat flare-ups. One of the most common lasers used to treat rosacea is the IPL Photofacial laser.

    This specialized laser emits a powerful light composed of a broad band of wavelengths. This light causes the blood from the broken blood vessels to coagulate. Therefore, causing the redness to disappear. Furthermore, the IPL laser is designed to function without harming the skin or the tissues surrounding the application area.


    The reason a person might develop rosacea is unknown. Although it is believed it could be a hereditary condition, there is still no known reason for what causes the initial development of the disease.

    However, certain stimuli are proven to cause and worsen flare-ups in persons suffering rosacea. Such as:

    • The presence of a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori
    • The presence of a bacteria called Bacillus Oleronius
    • Eating spicy food
    • Eating cinnamaldehyde (an element commonly found in cinnamon), chocolate, and tomatoes.
    • Drinking tea and coffee
    • Strong wind exposure
    • UV light exposure

    Home care

    Fortunately, having a good skincare routine with the right products and taking some preventive measures can help keep the flare-ups under control. However, it is essential to understand that some high-quality cosmetic products can worsen the condition.

    It is advised to avoid exfoliating agents and products containing alcohol or menthol as they can irritate the skin and worsen the condition. Therefore, doctors recommend only using water-based and oil-free products to cleanse the skin.

    Other recommendations include:

    • Avoid drinking alcohol
    • Wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight
    • Avoid spicy food
    • Avoid food containing cinnamaldehyde
    • Write a journal containing information about your diet and the skin care products you use throughout the day. This can help you identify what triggers your flare-ups to avoid them in the future.

    When to seek medical attention?

    You must seek medical attention when the symptoms are persistent and don’t disappear. Especially when the disease affects the eye and its surroundings. The doctor can design a treatment plan for your case or prescribe you a different medication.


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