Stop Carrying Those Under Eye Bags in Los Angeles
Bags under the eyes are puffy, dark circles that appear in the lower eyelid area. Both men and women notice under eye bags in their 30s or 40s, but the appearance usually magnifies in their 50s and 60s.
Causes of Under Eye Bags
- Genetics
- Smoking
- Dehydration
- Lack of sleep
Commonly Affected Areas
- Lower eyelid
- Top of cheek area
Under Eye Bags Treatments
How do I prevent under eye bags?
The best way to prevent or reduce the chances of having bags under the eyes is by staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. You should also avoid sun damage to the lower eyelid by using sunscreen and anti-aging cream.
What about puffy bags under eyes?
The puffiness often found with under eye bags happens when the muscles and tissues supporting your lower eyelid weaken. Skin can start to sag, and the fat that’s naturally around your eyes can migrate into the lower eyelid area. That area can also gather fluid, contributing further to the more pronounced puffiness.
Are under eye bags a health danger?
Under eye bags are usually harmless and are more of an aesthetic concern as they can make a person look tired or draw undue attention to the areas because of their discoloration (dark circles). However, under eye bags can also indicate underlying medical conditions such as dermatitis, renal disease, and possible thyroid eye disease.