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7 to 14 days
Sessions Needed
Results Duration

Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Los Angeles
Improved Proportions
Add more balance to your body’s natural curviness.
The procedure adds fat where you want it, and removes it from where you don’t!
No Implants
Volume is added using your body’s natural content, not unnatural implants.
It starts with a personal consultation with your trained and licensed Younique provider. During this one-on-one, they’ll discuss your concerns, your goals for treatment, and your medical history. If your provider determines that a Brazilian butt lift in Los Angeles is the best option, your surgery can be scheduled, and you’ll be filled in on the pre-surgery preparation details.

First, a frame for the buttocks is created by using liposuction to remove fat from areas like the tummy, the love handles, the thighs, or the upper arms. Next, the fat is processed and purified to ensure the best longevity. The fat is then precisely injected into the buttocks to create the desired look. The fat is massaged to move it into the proper place, which allows for a fuller and curvier appearance.

In the first 2 weeks after the graft, your butt will lose up to 40 to 50 percent of its initial volume. This is normal, and we initially overfill to compensate.
Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for at least 3-4 weeks post-surgery. If you must sit, use a BBL Pillow or a regular towel. Stomach sleeping is also recommended during this recovery process.

How do I support my Brazilian butt lift results?
There are 9 things a patient must consider in order to maximize their BBL results:
- Do not smoke
- Do not drive
- Do not sit on your buttocks
- Stay hydrated
- Feed the fat after BBL
- Sleep correctly
- Maintain a stable weight
- Wear the right garments
- Exercise around 8 weeks post-surgery
Am I a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift in Los Angeles?
The best candidates for a Brazilian butt lift have enough extra fat to harvest for the procedure—but aren’t more than 30 pounds over their ideal weight. Patients must be in good general health and must be 18 years or older. Patients who are quite thin or who have a low fat supply may be better candidates for butt implants.