Consult Required?
Yes – Book Now
7 to 10 days
Sessions Needed
1, which may be in conjunction with other treatments
Results Duration

Benefits of Chin Implants in Los Angeles
Improves Contour
Having a chin implant can help improve the look of your jawline and your face’s overall contour.
Long Lasting
With a healthy lifestyle, your chin implant can help redefine your jawline and balance facial symmetry for a lifetime.
Natural Looking
Younique uses the most advanced techniques and technology to make your chin implant look as natural as ever!
It starts with a personal consultation with your trained and licensed Younique provider. During this one-on-one, they’ll discuss your concerns, goals for treatment, and medical history. If your provider determines that chin implants in Los Angeles are the best treatment option, implant surgery can be scheduled, and you’ll be filled in on the pre-surgery preparation details.

The surgery to insert your chin implant is performed using either local or general anesthesia, depending on the implant location and size. The procedure usually takes 60 minutes to complete.
Your surgeon will make an incision either where the gums and lip/facial skin meet, or discreetly under the chin. The implant is sized to fit your needs and goals, and it’s then inserted through the incision. Once the implant is in place and secured, the incision will be closed with sutures.

If the incision occurs within the mouth, there is a slightly higher risk of infection. A strict post-operative oral hygiene regimen will be recommended to decrease this risk.
You may experience moderate discomfort for the first few days to a week after your chin augmentation surgery, as your lower jaw will be tender, somewhat swollen, and bruised. Most patients return to work and normal activities within 7 to 10 days. Because swelling takes time to subside, the final results may not be seen for 3 to 4 months after the procedure is done.

Are chin implants and chin augmentation the same?
Yes—and no. Chin implants in Los Angeles are a form of chin augmentation. However, chin augmentation procedures, also known as “mentoplasty,” can include reshaping or enhancing the size of the chin by surgically moving or reshaping the bone structure itself.
Why is "weak chin" an issue?
The chin plays a very important role in creating a defined facial line and overall contour. A recessed or underdeveloped chin, for example, could create a sense of imbalance or disharmony that prevents other features from looking their best. A weak chin can disrupt the aesthetics or definition from one’s jawline and add prominence to the nose and/or forehead.