Benefits of Earlobe Repair
Restored Appearance
Your earlobes can look more natural and symmetrical after being surgically repaired.
Jewelry Comfort
Earlobe repair in Los Angeles can restore earlobes so that jewelry can rest more comfortably and/or more securely.
Injury Healing
Whether it’s fresh trauma or you’ve had time for your injury to scar over, earlobe repair can address the issues and get your earlobe(s) looking and feeling normal again.
It starts with a personal consultation with your trained and licensed Younique provider. During this one-on-one, they’ll discuss your concerns, your goals for treatment, and your medical history. If your provider determines that earlobe repair in Los Angeles is the most appropriate treatment, your surgery can be scheduled, and you’ll be filled in on the pre-surgery preparation details.

The earlobe repair procedure is tailored to your specific circumstances. If you experienced trauma that resulted in earlobe injury, we can perform an earlobe repair as soon as your wound is healed. Our surgeons are skilled in a variety of techniques to close the wound and restore a natural look. If we are restructuring a piercing, we can close the hole by removing the tunnel itself and stitching the front and back.
All earlobe repairs at Younique Surgery Center in Los Angeles are performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthetic.

You may experience mild pain and some swelling for a day or two. OTC pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen should help. In most cases, the only dressing needed is a thin layer of antibiotic ointment. Patients can return to work immediately following the procedure. If not dissolvable, the stitches are usually removed in a week.

How long does earlobe repair take?
The length of time it takes for an earlobe repair in Los Angeles depends on what has to be addressed. The most common earlobe repair surgeries take around 20 to 30 minutes, along with a few minutes at the beginning for anesthetic to take full effect. For more complicated situations, the amount of time may be longer.
Will my earlobe look like nothing ever happened in the first place?
We wish we could do that! You can expect—especially with split or torn earlobes—some light scarring. However, the scarring will be extremely small and barely noticeable. We can help you determine your risk of scarring based on family history, including keloid scarring.
Should more significant scars appear during the healing process, your Younique provider has additional techniques, products, and at-home tips that can address these and keep you on the path to success.