Keeping your skin healthy while you travel

Keeping your skin healthy while traveling can be a hassle; however, it does not have to be. Simple steps can be taken to help maintain the health and beauty of your skin while abroad. These three tips will have your skin looking and feeling its best while you travel!

1) Keep a travel sized hand lotion in a purse or other piece of conveniently accessible luggage. By keeping a cream handy, it will be easier to apply when needed. If used frequently, it may be worthwhile to pack a couple small bottles.

2) Remove any makeup before going to sleep. This allows the pores of the face to breathe naturally. Be sure to pack any moisturizers or other facial creams that are generally utilized at home.

3) Pack a hat or visor and be sure to wear ample sunscreen; especially if traveling or visiting an area where there will be long periods of exposure to the sun. Although sun does provide Vitamin D, too much of a good thing can wreak havoc on healthy skin. Using sunscreen allows the Vitamin D to be soaked up without the harmful UV rays.

Keeping skin healthy while you travel does not have to be a difficult task. Simple tricks make it a breeze. Most of all enjoy the trip while keeping your skin looking and feeling its best.