Brazilian Butt Lift Oxnard

Younique Surgery Center & Medical Spa is proud to serve Oxnard, CA as one of the most trusted treatment centers for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery.

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    Brazilian Butt Lift in Oxnard

    The buttocks are a prominent and noticeable part of the body. It adds curves to the shape and makes the person stand out.

    However, many people don’t have a butt that is as round or big as they want. Fortunately, this issue can be easily corrected through a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Oxnard.

    Visit our specialists in Oxnard and improve your appearance with a Brazilian Butt Lift

    Brazilian Butt lift has helped thousands of patients achieve the body shape they have dreamed of.

    Make an appointment at Younique in Oxnard and improve your looks. Our specialists can guide you through the process and perform the procedure safely. This way, the best results are ensured, allowing you to get a natural-looking and rounder butt.

    What is a Brazilian Butt Lift

    A Brazilian Butt Lift is one of our most popular procedures here at Younique! A Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the buttocks and increase their size. A BBL enhances the size and shape of a patient’s buttocks to better fit his or her figure. To perform a BBL surgery, fat is taken from areas of the body such as the lower back, flanks, abdomen, hips, and thighs through liposuction and then transferred to the buttocks.

    This procedure consists in transplanting fat from an area of the body to the butt. This allows the doctor to correct any shape flaw with the buttocks while making them bigger and rounder.

    Although the Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgical procedure, it is performed through injections and a cannula. As a result, the doctor only needs to perform tiny incisions. The small incision points used during the liposuction portion of the BBL will result in small scars typically only a few millimeters long but will fade with time.

    It is essential to know that the Brazilian Butt Lift can only be performed accompanied by other procedures, such as liposuction or lipo 360. This creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance while improving the buttocks and the area where the liposuction is performed.  Lipo 360 is recommended to create a curvier, more contoured appearance. Lipo 360 is a liposuction procedure used to contour and shape the body 360 degrees around the entire midsection to create a more sculpted look.

    Where does the fat come from?

    The fat from Brazilian Butt Lift is extracted from different body parts throughout liposuction. The targeted areas can vary depending on the patient. Nonetheless, the most common zones include the following:

    • Stomach
    • Back
    • Flanks (love handles)
    • Arms

    However, only excess fat is removed for safety reasons. This fat is then processed to ensure no side effects or issues are left when it is transferred to the buttocks.

    How is a Brazilian Butt Lift performed in Oxnard?

    The process begins with an initial consultation. During this appointment, the doctor evaluates the case and performs a thorough medical examination. The doctor explains how the procedure is performed and determines the best areas to extract the fat. Once everything is clear, the surgery is appointed.

    The Brazilian Butt Lift and liposuction are performed under general anesthesia to prevent pain or discomfort. The procedure begins with liposuction to harvest fat. During liposuction, the doctor also sculpts the area to improve its appearance.

    The harvested fat is then processed and purified. Afterward, it is injected directly into the buttocks. The doctor massages the area to move the fat and sculpt it in the desired way. This allows him to create round and smooth shapes, free of flaws.

    Obtaining a BBL pillow is crucial for the recovery period and to guarantee the best results. All patients are advised to use a post-BBL pillow.


    There are several benefits to undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift, such as:

    • Improved aesthetics:

    The procedure enhances the appearance of the butt, adding volume and making it look bigger and rounder. However, since it is accompanied by other cosmetic surgeries, it results in an overall aesthetic improvement.

    • No foreign bodies:

    Since the procedure uses the person’s fat, no implants or foreign objects are left inside the body.

    Brazilian Butt Lift recovery process

    After the surgery, patients experience swelling and bruising in the area. This is a normal reaction caused by the procedure. Besides, these symptoms fade away after several days. Patients tend to experience mild discomfort as the buttocks heal.

    The doctor provides the patient with compression garments that help reduce swelling. These garments should be worn for about 8 weeks.

    It is vital not to add additional pressure to the area. Therefore, patients should avoid sitting directly on their buttocks for at least 3 – 4 weeks after the surgery or until instructed by the doctor. This allows the fat tissue to settle in the area and adjust to its new shape and position.

    The procedure involves a 7 – 10 days downtime. Afterward, patients can resume work activities. However, they must maintain protective measures and use the protective pillow.

    How to know if I am a good candidate?

    Our specialists at Younique in Oxnard can evaluate your case and determine if you are a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

    Ideally, patients should have enough fat to harvest through liposuction. However, they shouldn’t be more than 30 pounds away from their ideal weight. This reduces the risk of complications during the procedure.

    If the patient doesn’t have enough fat tissue to harvest from a single area, he might consider undergoing a Skinny BBL.

    Additionally, the patient must be over 18 years old and be in good health. Brazilian Butt Lift is not recommended for patients with uncontrolled systemic diseases or other conditions that might compromise the surgery or the healing process.

    How long does a Brazilian Butt Lift last?

    The results of a Brazilian Butt Lift can last for several years. However, this is determined by the care and lifestyle of the patient.

    In most cases, the final result begins to show after 3 – 6 months. This happens because not all the fat cells transplanted survive the procedure. However, the process stabilizes after this period, and the fat cells begin to reproduce and regenerate normally.

    Afterward, the results remain the same for 5 – 10 years. Nonetheless, some people can maintain the results for more than a decade.

    The results might be compromised if the patient gains or lose a significant amount of weight. Therefore, it is highly recommended to maintain a stable weight after the procedure.

    Medically Reviewed by Mark Youssef, MD 5 stars from 150 reviews

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