Thermage Pre & Post Treatment

Please find below the pre/post treatment instructions regarding your upcoming appointment with us. If you have any questions, feel free to email or call.

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    Younique > Santa Monica Med Spa & Cosmetic Surgery > Thermage Treatment Santa Monica > Thermage Skin Tightening Pre & Post Treatment

    Medically Reviewed by Mark Youssef, MD 5 stars from 103 reviews

    Certain light energies and radiofrequency energy can be used to heat deeper layers of the skin while protecting the surface of the skin. This heating activates fibroblasts signaling new collagen to form and existing collagen to tighten over time. 

    It is important that you understand that the results may take up to 6 months to be appreciated and that they are not expected to achieve the same degree of improvement as surgical procedures.

    Although in some patients the results from a treatment are seen immediately, in most patients they will appear gradually over 3-9 months.

    Before Treatment

    1. No Accutane use for 6 months prior to treatment.
    2. Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, depilatories, etc.)
    3. Inform the doctor if you have a pacemaker, metal implants, staples, pins or piercings. 
    4. You will be asked to remove any metal jewelry; therefore, it may be easier if you simply do not wear any that day. 
    5. Ensure you are well hydrated by drinking plenty of water 2-3 days prior to treatment. 

    Day of Treatment

    1. Tissue tightening treatments have no downtime and you can return to your normal activities the same day.  
    2. Do not wear makeup on the day of treatment. Clean the skin, including removal of all make-up and other skin care products. Any creams or products left on the skin can interact with the light and increase the risk of unwanted side effects.
    3. History of herpes or cold sores may require an antiviral prescription prior to treatment
    4. These treatments can be tolerated without anesthesia. The use of sedation, nerve blocks, or local injectable anesthetics is not recommended for these treatments as patient feedback is very important, and with proper technique, is not required.  
    5. Notify your provider if you have any facial tattoos.
    6. Shower and apply a rich, hydrating moisturizer to the treatment area on the morning of treatment day. 

    After Treatment

    • Immediately after the treatment(s), there may be some redness or swelling at the area being treated, which usually dissipates within the hour or by the end of the day but rarely persists for a few days. You are able to apply makeup or sunscreen immediately after the procedure and go back to your daily activities.
    • The goal of treatments is to sustain deep dermal heating. General post-cooling is not necessary after treatment unless an area is overly erythematous or feels hot to the patient. In this case, ice, chilled gel, or hydro-gel pads may be applied post-treatment as needed for patient comfort. The treatment window can also be used as an effective post-cooling device.
    • Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen to prevent further sun damage
    • Avoid heat – hot tubs, saunas, etc. for 1-2 days
    • Avoid products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc. a few days post-treatment.
    • Notify our office of any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling, etc.)
    • Resume skin care regime when redness has resolved

    Recommended Skincare and Tx Protocol: 

    To achieve and maintain optimal results, we recommend

    • Skincare Products
      • Youth MD Vitamin C  | Supports Healthy Collagen Production, Moisturize, Free Radical Damage
      • Youth MD Pure Hydration | Improves Elasticity and Firmness, Powerful Hydrator
      • Alastin Skin Nectar and Alastin Neck. 
      • Tinted or Untinted Sunscreen SPF 30+
    • Thermage Treatment intervals of 1 year are commonly used to maintain optimal results.
    • Other Treatments which compliment and help maintain are:
      • Series of 3-5 Genesis Laser Treatments (no downtime)
      • Series of 3-5 Micropen Treatments (little downtime)
      • Botox 
      • Sculptra (Helps achieve deep collagen stimulation and lifting)
      • HD Radiesse for the neck.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact  us.

    Happy Treatments!

    Dr. Mark and the YOUnique Team

    Patient Reviews


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