“Some doctors feel that being a cosmetic surgeon is just a job, but I’m not one of them. I take pride in my work as a surgical art.”
Doctor Callout
Image on left, content on right. Content includes a wysiwyg, featured quote, and signature.
Label | Name | Type | Notes |
Image | doctor_callout_image_id | image | (Clone of Utility : Image) |
Image Focus Point | doctor_callout_image_focus_point | button_group | (Clone of Utility : Image) |
Image Fit | doctor_callout_image_fit | select | (Clone of Utility : Image) |
Lazy Load | doctor_callout_image_loading | true_false | (Clone of Utility : Image) |
Content | doctor_callout_content | wysiwyg | |
Featured Quote | doctor_callout_featured_quote | textarea | |
Signature | doctor_callout_signature | image | |
Name | doctor_callout_name | text |