Many patients that receive a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery may benefit from knowing the top 9 recommended steps on how to maximize your BBL Results. Doctor and Author of “The Art of the Brazilian Butt Lift: Evolve Your Beauty, Empower Your Life”, Dr. Mark Youssef has put together a comprehensive checklist on the best possible ways to feed the fat after a BBL and how to get the best results out of your BBL surgery.

How To Maximize BBL Results

Learn How To Feed The Fat & Maximize Your BBL

If you’d like to learn more about BBL surgery or schedule a free consultation with Dr. Youssef, you may do so by filling out a form on our Brazilian Butt Lift Los Angeles page.

Get the answers to your questions including what you should wear, what you should eat, how to sleep, how to sit, how to feed the fate, and more.

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How To Get The Best Results From a BBL Surgery

Every BBL surgeon will agree that a patient’s actions after a BBL surgery will directly and significantly impact how much fat survives in the buttocks.

After a fat transfer, only a portion of the transferred fat survives in its new location. The percentage that survives widely varies based on a host of factors including how much volume was transferred, how tight and elastic skin is in that area, and how a patient treats the BBL recovery process, among many other factors. Below you will learn the top 9 ways to maximize the results during your BBL recovery process. Share this with a friend who may need it!

9 Ways to Maximize Brazilian Buttlift Results

There are 9 things a patient must consider in order to maximize their BBL results:

  1. Do not smoke
  2. Do not drive
  3. Do not sit on your buttocks
  4. Stay hydrated
  5. Feed The Fat After BBL
  6. Sleep correctly
  7. Maintain a stable weight
  8. Wear the right garments
  9. Exercise around 8 weeks post-surgery

Do Not Smoke

Many patients always ask: can I smoke after my BBL surgery?

The answer is no.

If you would like to maximize your BBL’s results, it is highly recommended to avoid all forms of smoking after surgery, even second-hand smoking. Smoking affects the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the bloodstream and hinders the body’s ability to recover. After a fat transfer, newly transferred blood cells need to re-establish a blood supply in order to ensure that they survive in their new environment.

Do Not Drive

Can I drive post-surgery?

Do not drive for at least 6-8 weeks post-surgery. Sitting on your newly transferred fat will squish and suffocate the fat cells.

Do Not Sit on Your Buttocks

Many patients often ask: how should I sit after my surgery?

You should avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for at least 3-4 weeks post-surgery. If you must sit, it is recommended to utilize a BBL Pillow or a regular Towel.

Using a BBL Pillow will allow a small cushion to go under your lower thigh and take pressure off your buttocks if you absolutely must sit. Again, sitting is not recommended for at least 3-4 weeks.

If you don’t have access to a BBL Pillow, but instead would like to use a towel, it is recommended to do the following:

Simply roll up a towel in the shape of a cylinder and place the town beneath your things when sitting. This will ensure your weight is kept off your buttocks. Just be sure not to cut off blood supply.

Stay Hydrated

What fluids should I drink after a BBL?

Drinking an abundance of fluids that provide your body with essential electrolytes, salts, and minerals will help your body hold onto water and recover quicker. Himalayan salt is a great mineral to add to your daily water. Even just a few pinches added to your water will suffice. Other than that try drinking a Gatorade, Powerade or a Smart Water during the first 8 weeks of your recovery.

Feed The Fat After BBL

What can I eat after BBL surgery?

Eat nutrient-dense foods that will provide your body with the essential minerals and vitamins needed to support recovery.

Add healthy fats and other foods including: salmon, avocados, grass-fed butter, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, and coconut oil.

Sleep Correctly

How should I sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift fat transfer?

Stomach sleeping is the best way to sleep during this recovery process. Side sleeping is an option, but only if you are absolutely certain you will need to end up on your back.

Sleeping on your behind or back in any way is in all forms not recommended and ill-advised. It is safe to not sleep on your back for at least 2 months.

Maintain A Stable Weight

Weight loss after a BBL should be proportionate to weight loss throughout the entire body.

Fluctuations in weight can negatively affect the results of a Brazilian Butt lift. Minimal fluctuation of 5 or so pounds is not a significant change in weight, however, significant fluctuation will cause the fat to accumulate in “new problem areas”. I.E. a woman with a “pear-shaped” figure may be more likely to gain weight in their arms rather than her tummy.

Wearing The Right Garments

What should I wear after a BBL?

Aside from solely wearing the correct BBL shaping garment post-surgery, it’s important to wear clothing that supports your healing process. Squeezing newly transferred fat is the quickest way to kill those fat cells.

Make sure you don’t wear tight or restrictive clothing during the healing process.

Exercise Around Week 8 Post-Surgery

What are the best exercises after a BBL?

Avoid strenuous activity for the first 2 months of recovery to ensure that fat cells are not burned. During this period, light walking i helpful, so long you manage your calorie burn rate.

After 8 weeks, the fat transferred cells should have established a proper blood supply. At this time, getting a good sweat session will pump fresh, nutrient-rich blood into the area. Avoid activities that may put extra pressure, compression, or even trauma on the area. Avoid stationary bikes and keg sleds. Try the elliptical or hack squat machines.

How to Feed the Fat After a BBL?

Eating a nutrient-dense, healthy diet is an important part of successful post-BBL recovery for two reasons – firstly, nutrient-dense foods, including lean protein, foods containing good fats (such as avocados, coconut oil, salmon, and nuts), fruit, and vegetables provide the body with the substances needed for cell renewal and regeneration – the basis of the healing process.

Secondly, it’s important to maintain a steady, healthy weight following a BBL if you want to enjoy optimal results from the procedure in the long term. Adopting healthy habits now will really help maintain your BBL results moving forward.

What to Eat After a BBL?

We recommend nutrient-dense foods that do your body good and provide the nutrition needed for fast healing. The type of foods that are usually good choices following a BBL procedure include:

– Fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

– Lean protein (including lean red meat in moderation, poultry, oily fish (salmon is a great source of nutrients and also contains healthy fat), tofu, pulses, and beans.

– Good fats (unsaturated fats or those that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids). These are found in foods such as avocados, salmon, coconut oil, olive oil, and eggs.

– If you eat dairy, then milk and cheese in moderation are good choices.

Avoid highly processed junk food, food high in fat and/or sugar, and foods that have low nutritional content.

Make sure to drink plenty of water!

How to Sleep After a BBL?

Particularly in the first few weeks following a BBL, it’s important to keep pressure off your butt. For this reason, sleeping on your tummy is recommended. Although side-sleeping is a possible option, care must be taken to keep pressure off the gluteal area – side sleepers are more likely to slip over onto their backs during the night.

Remember to wear your compression garment at all times (including during the night) for the first four weeks following your BBL procedure.

Where is the Best Place to Get a BBL Surgery?

Before scheduling a BBL Surgery with any surgeon, it’s important to choose someone that you can trust.

If you’d like to schedule a surgery with the highly renowned BBL Expert Surgeon and Author of the recently published BBL Book, you may do so by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Youssef on our BBL Surgery Los Angeles page. Or simply click the button below!